Category: How to

AnimatedSnapQRCodeThere are several ways in which you can add someone on Snapchat.  I’ll show you how to follow someone using the Snapcode but I’m also going to show you how to crack the code and break out of Snapchat!

Adding someone on Snapchat

A common method of following someone on Snapchat is to take a photo of the Snapcode, save it to the camera roll, open up the Snapchat app and tap on the little ghost at the top of the screen, then tap “Add friends”, then “Add by Snapcode”, and then tap on the Snapcode in order to scan it and add the new user.

That’s a lot of steps!
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Has a third-party app hijacked your Twitter account and is secretly inserting links into your tweets?  I’ll show you how to stop apps advertising on your Twitter account and put an end to those unwanted tweets.

Last week I demonstrated how to remove yourself from someone else’s Twitter list. This week I delve into another annoyance on Twitter and help you solve it in six seconds.
hooded figure with Twitter birds coming out of hood.

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Last week I showed you how to create a Twitter list in 6 seconds. Today we’ll look at why it’s not always good to be on someone’s else’s Twitter list, and what steps you can take to remove yourself from a list that you don’t want to be on.

The Twitter logo being erased
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fireman's hose split into three outletsTwitter can be difficult to consume if you follow more than a handful of people. Instead of trying to sip from Twitter’s mighty firehose, you can enjoy the different flavours from several different taps, using Twitter lists.

Curate content with Twitter lists

It’s impossible to read every tweet from everyone that you follow on Twitter. We can use Twitter lists to filter content by topic. For example, I’ve created lists for Australia News, World News. free music, South Australian wineries, Adelaide Pubs, and many more.

Create a Twitter list for an event

If you know of an event coming up build a Twitter list before the event. The list can be made private for you own use or it can be made public and you can promote it and encourage others to use it during the event.

Be aware that when building a public list each person added will be notified, but accounts added to a private list will not be notified.

Use this to your advantage.
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Six Second Tech is a weekly series of short how-to video tutorials to help you be more productive with your time and your technology.

How-to videos on YouTube are too long

Let’s say you need to find out how to zoom in on Snapchat, how to take a screenshot on a Mac, or how to turn off Twitter notifications.  You might go straight to YouTube to search for these kinds of instructional videos. But tutorials and how-to videos on YouTube can often be anywhere from a couple of minutes to half an hour, or more!

What if you could consume this information much more quickly, in just a few seconds?

six second tech advert showing a stopwatch in an open hand on black background
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A new live-streaming app called Periscope popped up a couple of months ago and it has already created ripples in the world of social media that have the potential to turn into a tidal wave!

Conversations with Siri: Review Preview

Discovering Periscope

Shortly after Periscope launched I jumped in and started showing my herb garden off, talking about the different herbs and their properties along with gardening techniques, accompanied by the ever present Bilbo the cat. I then started doing broadcasts of me playing the guitar and also giving short tutorials and tips on using the iPad.

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Google Maps, FourSquare, Twitter and Google Search on a map of AdelaideGet your business on the map by taking advantage of local events with Twitter.

Adelaide is a happening place this time of year. We’ve already had the Fringe Festival, Tour Down Under, the Adelaide Festival, Soundwave, Womadelaide, Adelaide Food & Wine Festival, and there are many more events to come. Such events often draw many tourists from interstate and overseas and these visitors can benefit from your goods and services, if they are aware of you.

Be a part of the conversation

Even though your business may not be directly involved in these events you can still jump in and participate on social media as a neighbourhood authority. Your own local knowledge can benefit others who are wanting to find information about the area. Mingling with others online who are talking about the event raises awareness of your goods and services with these visitors and introduces them to your business.

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