Tag Archive: qr

AnimatedSnapQRCodeThere are several ways in which you can add someone on Snapchat.  I’ll show you how to follow someone using the Snapcode but I’m also going to show you how to crack the code and break out of Snapchat!

Adding someone on Snapchat

A common method of following someone on Snapchat is to take a photo of the Snapcode, save it to the camera roll, open up the Snapchat app and tap on the little ghost at the top of the screen, then tap “Add friends”, then “Add by Snapcode”, and then tap on the Snapcode in order to scan it and add the new user.

That’s a lot of steps!
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QR Codes to Show How Food is Made

QR codes for foodThe popularity of QR codes has jumped recently with the rapid increase in the number of people using smart phones like the iPhone. The two-dimensional codes, resembling an empty crossword puzzle, are appearing more and more in magazines, newspapers, and other forms of traditional advertising. QR Codes are easily scanned using your phone’s built-in camera.

Now QR codes are being developed to show consumers how individual food items are being produced.
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Getting Social with the QR Cube

Vintuitive is bringing the Internet into the physical world with QR Cubes. The QR Cube is a fun way for people to interact with your business using a phone or other mobile device.

QR and the Mobile Web

qr codeWith the increasing number of people accessing the web from mobile devices, QR Codes provide a much easier way to access things on the web while on the move. With traditional printed advertising the visitor has to pull up the mini keyboard on their phone, type in the address hoping that no spelling mistakes or accidental typos are made, which, they inevitably are, meaning a second or third attempt is often necessary.

With a QR code, you simply bring up the QR reader app and wave your phone over object – it’s that easy!

Taking QR Codes to the Next Dimension

Introducing the QR Cube, by Vintuitive.
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How to Make an Enticing QR Code

Perhaps you’ve seen a QR code on business cards, magazine advertisements or other marketing material.  They look like a square grid of black & white squares, like a virgin crossword puzzle.  QR codes can provide potential customers with easy access to your website, your email address, your contact details, make a phone call, SMS, and more. Instead of reading the small print on your business card and then pulling up the on screen keyboard on their phone and typing in your website or email address, or phone number, they can simply hover their phone over your business card.
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