Clear your view, move your focus to the task at hand with ⌘ H.
Command-H = Hide application
Put simply, the ⌘ H shortcut will make the current application disappear from view. It remains open and running, but invisibly in the background.
This is a handy keyboard shortcut when you have many applications running and you want to hide some of them from view without actually quitting the apps. Try repeatedly tapping ⌘ H and one by one the open apps will disappear leaving you on the desktop.
Combine two Keyboard Kung Fu moves to swiftly refocus attention
The ⌘ H combination is very useful when used in conjunction with the Command-Tab action that we covered in a previous Keyboard Kung Fu lesson. Any app that is open can be selected and hidden quickly & easily, and any hidden application can be brought back into view by Command-Tabbing to it. These two actions, hiding an app and then bringing it back into view, replace the need to minimise applications to the dock and then restore them using the mouse.