Conversations with Siri on Periscope

A new live-streaming app called Periscope popped up a couple of months ago and it has already created ripples in the world of social media that have the potential to turn into a tidal wave!

Conversations with Siri: Review Preview

Discovering Periscope

Shortly after Periscope launched I jumped in and started showing my herb garden off, talking about the different herbs and their properties along with gardening techniques, accompanied by the ever present Bilbo the cat. I then started doing broadcasts of me playing the guitar and also giving short tutorials and tips on using the iPad.


Google Maps, FourSquare, Twitter and Google Search on a map of AdelaideGet your business on the map by taking advantage of local events with Twitter.

Adelaide is a happening place this time of year. We’ve already had the Fringe Festival, Tour Down Under, the Adelaide Festival, Soundwave, Womadelaide, Adelaide Food & Wine Festival, and there are many more events to come. Such events often draw many tourists from interstate and overseas and these visitors can benefit from your goods and services, if they are aware of you.

Be a part of the conversation

Even though your business may not be directly involved in these events you can still jump in and participate on social media as a neighbourhood authority. Your own local knowledge can benefit others who are wanting to find information about the area. Mingling with others online who are talking about the event raises awareness of your goods and services with these visitors and introduces them to your business.


Running iOS 8.2 on an iPad 2

Are you wondering if your old iPad 2 will run the latest operating system from Apple, iOS 8.2?
I stopped upgrading my iPad 2 at iOS 7.1 fearing that the iPad 2’s hardware was not up to running the more modern versions of iOS as they became more demanding. After reading that iOS 8.2 was running smoothly for many others who had an iPad 2, and not finding many negative reviews, I went and did it, I updated.

I’m very surprised by how well iOS 8.2 does run so I wanted to tell all of you who have an old iPad to try it out. Here’s a video demonstrating how there is no lag or delay when using iOS 8.2 on the iPad 2:

Don’t hesitate go and update now!

Do you like my Australian accent in the video and would like to give your iPad an Aussie accent? Check this video with Sarah Lane featuring a tip from Vintuitive on iPad Today!

Keep Calm, Keep Cool Adelaide

Keep Calm Keep Cool posterThe year has commenced with a scorching start! Today in Adelaide it will reach 42 degrees and will remain in the 40s most of the day, even until as late as 6pm!

How to stay cool

The hot weather can make some people very lethargic, others get uptight and agitated. In either case it’s not easy to work in such conditions. It’s important on these hot days to take measures to keep the fluids up and stay cool. Your health and wellbeing are integral to getting your work done. Dehydration and over heating is a very real threat to your heath and can result in cramps, heat exhaustion or even heatstroke. If you don’t have air conditioning in your home or office there are other methods to keep calm and remain cool and in control. SA Health has some good tips of dealing with extreme heat on days like these and you can find their Guide to coping and staying healthy in the heat online.

Here’s a tip I picked up while in Queensland – the Frozen Towel Technique:

iCloud logo with bandit maskHere’s another scam email that arrived in my inbox this morning, this time attempting to gain access to my Apple iCloud account.

You may recall the news sensation from August when a large number of nude photos of celebrities were taken from their iCloud accounts and posted publicly online. It turned out that these images were obtained by hackers using a targeted attack to extract account information, that is, their Apple ID and password.

As we’ve seen in similar incidents, these types of email phishing attempts are often launched from non-western countries and as such, almost always contain incorrect grammar or spelling mistakes that give the game away.

This Paypal email scam is another dangerous one that relies on your instant emotional reaction. If you have a PayPal account you are probably accustomed to receiving this sort of email each time you use your account to purchase something online.

PayPal email screenshot

Hovering over the “click here” link reveals it will not be sent to PayPal but some other address

First impressions count

The thought process that quickly runs through your head after receiving an email like this is usually something like the following:

rwnd on the iPhone6Move aside Vine and Instagram, RWND is a fun new free app from Melbourne startup Zarfo that is taking the world by storm.

Ain’t nobody got time for that!

Instagram has the capacity to record 15 seconds of video, Vine has 6 seconds but the kids, their attention spans are getting shorter every day. RWND allows you to record a maximum of 2 seconds of video and then plays it back in reverse to create a video that has a total duration of 4 seconds. This simple rewind effect, combined with everyday life activities is recipe for some often hilarious outcomes.

If you find yourself only watching half an Instagram or Vine video before flicking to the next video then RWND is the app for you.

RWND Top Three of the Week

The RWND Top Three is a weekly series of video promotions run by Vintuitive that highlights the top three RWND submissions from the week and is published on YouTube, Instagram and Vine.
