Six Second Tech is a weekly series of short how-to video tutorials to help you be more productive with your time and your technology.

How-to videos on YouTube are too long

Let’s say you need to find out how to zoom in on Snapchat, how to take a screenshot on a Mac, or how to turn off Twitter notifications.  You might go straight to YouTube to search for these kinds of instructional videos. But tutorials and how-to videos on YouTube can often be anywhere from a couple of minutes to half an hour, or more!

What if you could consume this information much more quickly, in just a few seconds?

six second tech advert showing a stopwatch in an open hand on black background

Six Second Tech tutorials on Vine

Twitter’s Video app Vine is an ideal medium for learning as the videos are on a continuous six second loop.  If you didn’t pick it up the first time then you will on the second, third, or forth time.  You could easily let the video play over and over while you follow the instructions.

What will be taught?

There will be actionable advice on Social Media, tips on using iPhones & iPads, and some general technology-related lessons.  Small, simple actions that are easy to learn and implement.

Where else will these be posted?

In addition to being posted on Vine these short how-to videos will be posted on Instagram, Snapchat, a Google Plus Collection, and of course, Twitter. I’ll also be writing about each tip here on to give a bit more to each tip.

6 second tech clock with second hand showing 6 seconds

Request your own Six Second Tech tip!

I’ve already received a few requests for future Six Second Tech tips and I would love to hear what you’d like help with.

So tweet me or contact me here through the website with your request and I’ll include it in upcoming tips.

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